Google Earth maps our progress - literally!
Jan 21 , 2015
Sometimes it's hard to remember how much you've done in a year, but that's where Google Earth and our annual organic inspection help us put it all into perspective!
The left photo is from Spring 2013 and the right from June 2014.
And this quote from the "Inspector Comments" section of our final annual report is too good not to pass along:
"There has been a 'sea-change' in infrastructure on this farm, not the least of which is they are finally getting their mail at the farm address, living in a 40x60 house/veggie-honey packing-processing space/garage/shop/cooler they built, with 3 adjoining greenhouses, a water system (well, irrigation) in place, fields now laid out all around, a pond, and beginning orchards, augmented in part with a '79 Dodge 350 delivery van, 30 bee hives, and an i-pad which is grand central for more energy and information than one can shake the proverbial stick at, all of which is (or is not) pertinent to this certification request, but at least it provides a picture and context of this operation and--I might add--its place in what one might call the Viroqua of NW Michigan, as the area has many others like Brian and his wife including a very successful 'Grain Train' food coop (even though you have to pay to park...huh)."
Not too shabby for a couple of rookies!