Bear Creek Loyalty Program 2016 - Details Inside!
Mar 01 , 2016
What is the Bear Creek Membership Program?
Like a membership to an exclusive farm club - this program is for folks who want access to special offers, discounts on their farm market purchases, and want to support a thriving local farm!
For only $15 you can join the loyalty program. You will immediately get a custom Bear Creek reusable shopping bag (pictured), with which, you gain access to discounts when shopping at the farmers market, on our website, buying in bulk, or pre-ordering.
When shopping with the Bear Creek Bag, you will receive:
10% off of your produce purchases
10% off of potted herb and cut flower purchases
Buy 3 jars of honey and receive a 4th one free (a savings of 25%)!
10% off spring transplants for your garden
Special wholesale pricing on all bulk orders
**NEW** A special 10% coupon code to use for all online orders
There is no limit to these savings.
Additionally, by becoming a Bear Creek member, you will join our members-only email list and be the first to know about bulk veggie availability (tomatoes, basil, kale, etc).
All this for only 15 bucks?! It's true.
Shipping is only if you would like the bag shipped to you pronto! Otherwise, select "on-farm pickup" and we will get it to you at a time that is mutually convenient!
Link to Sign up here: http://bearcreekorganicfarm.com/products/bear-creek-membership-program-sign-up